Have you ever noticed, that when you're going down an aisle at the grocery store-that the most expensive and name brand items are at eye level, POSITIONED directly in your view? In the same way items are categorized into aisles by subject/genre, isn't your target audience identified in a similar way? If you're not having success with marketing and branding to your target audience (fans/followers), maybe you're casting too WIDE OF A NET and not positioning your message where they are (FISH WHERE THE FISH ARE). Use #hashtags, tags, and keywords to identify the conversations and content that are being talked about you, your brand (artist/book/film/whatever). Think of it like MATCH.COM for social engagement...create the ultimate keyword/commonality list (those words/hashtags/phrases/identifiers) that identifies your ideal target audience. By engaging THOSE MOST APT TO BE INTERESTED you are organically sharing content that either is of interest (and not spam or a sales pitch). Give your audience a REASON TO TALK ABOUT YOU and they will.

Remember, everyone hates being hyped and sold to...right? The best way to build a social relationship with your target is by always being ENGAGING. Offer solutions, answers, directions, links-things that bring additional VALUE to your brand. Be sensitive of current events and issues in terms of the language and content you share, and most of all, do whatever it takes to learn more about who your customers (target audience) are, what they're thinking, and what is important to them. RELATE, REACT and do your RESEARCH...and you'll find yourself that much closer to creating a true fan/follower/customer engagement that is cost efficient. It's not about the money you spend...it's about how you position your message, and execute a solid social media strategy. To learn more about our client success stories: Visit IMAGINE NATION SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES